Speaker Information Form To Upload Speaker Info
BEBPA asks all conference participants (speakers, session chairs, workshop leaders, moderators & panelist) to provide the information below to assist us in promoting your presentation or your role in the upcoming conference/webinar. All virtual participants are required to schedule a one-on-one training with the Conference Producer to ensure you are familiar with the conference software.
Please write your Name, Company & Job Title as you want them to be appear on the conference agenda, BEBPA website and marketing information.
Time Zone is necessary for scheduling a pre-conference practice session with the conference software. All VIRTUAL speakers/session chairs/moderators/panelists are required to attend a pre-conference practice session.
Postal Address: BEBPA sends a headset to each VIRTUAL speaker to use during their online presentation. If your company does not allow connection of external hardware to company computers, please let us know. If you received a headset for a previous virtual BEBPA conference, you do not need to provide the Postal Address.
Phone Number is used only in case of emergency on the day of your presentation or pre-conference training.
Uploading files. Your bio, headshot and fun photo are used by your Session Chair to introduce you at the hybrid conference.
The Bio should be ~one paragraph.
The Headshot may be a formal portrait or casual selfie.
The Fun Photo may be anything you wish to share: A picture of family, vacation, sports, pets, etc. The fun photo is not required but is a nice personal touch to the hybrid conferences!
Slide Release Form (Speakers only): BEBPA posts a PDF copy of speaker slides on a password-protected page on the BEBPA website after the conference concludes. Only slides which BEBPA has received written permission will be posted.
Audience Survey/Seed Questions (Speakers & Session Chair only): Submit quesitons to include in the Audience Survey before each session or Seed questions to ask speaker during Q&A.
Panel Discussion Summary: Pre- & Post-Conf (Panel Moderators only): Submit an outline of what the panel discussion will cover (pre-conference) or a final summary of what conclusions/consensus was reached during the discussion (post-conference). Both summaries will be included on the BEBPA website.
Poster PDF: Upload pdf copy of final poster for digital display at conference.
"*" indicates required fields
March 24-26, 2025
Tucson, AZ
Hybrid Conference
28-30 May 2025
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Hybrid Conference
24-26 September 2025
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Hybrid Conference
November 4-6, 2025
Virtual Conference